Call Hub

The Call Hub module is a powerful tool designed to streamline communication and enhance tracking for businesses. This module offers a range of functionalities to help companies manage their interactions with employees, customers, and clients effectively.

₹ 79 /Month ₹ 899 /Year

Call Hub

With Call Hub module, a business can see who has answered each call, how long it takes them to answer the call and how long they spend on the particular call or sms.

Save Additional Call Details

Choosing between a call or SMS communication. From the starting time and the ending time, the duration between that will counted automatically.Assigning a specific user responsible for the call and sms. Writing a custom message to send to the employee, client, or customer. Also this provide a functionality One-click call functionality to reach out to the contact instantly and One-click send message functionality for immediate messaging.

Identify Key Information

Determine what details are crucial for your needs. This might include caller information, date and time, purpose of the call, outcomes, action items, etc

Choose a Storage Solution

Select a platform or system for storing call details. Options include CRMs (Customer Relationship Management), note-taking apps, or custom databases

Create a Standard Format

Establish a consistent format for recording call details. This ensures clarity and easy retrieval. Include headings for each piece of information you want to capture.

Record Call Information

During or after the call, input the relevant details into your chosen storage solution. Include headings and descriptions as needed.


Call Hub provides robust reporting capabilities.Track the number of calls and SMS sent in a given month.Analyze communication patterns for a specific week.

Define Reporting Requirements

Clearly outline what insights or metrics you want to extract from the call details. This could include performance metrics, trends, or outcomes

Choose Reporting Tools

Select a reporting tool or software that suits your needs. Many CRM systems come with built-in reporting features, or you might use dedicated reporting tools like Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, or even Excel

Data Preparation

Ensure your call details are well-organized and standardized. Clean up any inconsistencies or missing information before importing data into your reporting tool

Why choose Call Hub dedicated modulesfor Your Business?

Choosing Call Hub dedicated modules for your business enhances communication and customer engagement. These modules often provide features such as call tracking, analytics, and automation, optimizing call center operations. By streamlining communication processes, businesses can improve customer service, increase efficiency, and gain valuable insights into call performance. Integration with other tools further contributes to seamless business operations and enhanced overall customer satisfaction.

Empower Your Workforce with Call Hub

Empower your workforce with Call Hub dedicated modules. Enhance communication and customer engagement with features like call tracking, analytics, and automation. Streamline call center operations, improve efficiency, and gain valuable insights. Integration with other tools ensures seamless business operations and overall customer satisfaction.

  • Pay-as-you-go
  • Unlimited installation
  • Secure cloud storage
₹ 79 /Month
Billed monthly, or ₹ 79 / if paid monthly
₹ 899 /Year
Billed yearly, or ₹ 899 / if paid yearly

Why choose dedicated modulesfor Your Business?

Dedicated modules for your business offer specialized solutions, optimizing processes, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring seamless integration. They cater to specific needs, providing customization, scalability, and adaptability. This leads to increased productivity and competitiveness in the market, addressing unique business requirements effectively.

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